Unfortunately, we (the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources) do not control land adjacent to the highway and the road to allow for parking. As such, technically, there is no parking to access the trail. It is recommended that you get dropped off.
Permit may be revoked at any time by the sole discretion of the Division of Forestry & Wildlife (DOFAW).
Permittees must notify DOFAW of the location of any threatened or endangered plants, birds, bats, or insects encountered in the project area.
Permit does not exclude the necessity for other associated permits that may be required from other Federal, State or County Agencies.
The Permit Holder agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of the applicable permit, as well as applicable laws and regulations; and consent to be subject to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the department. A refusal of inspection by a duly authorized representative of the department will be considered a violation of the permit, and thus the permit is subject to suspension or being revoked until such time the permit can be reviewed for renewal.
Provision of Chapters 183, 185, and 195, Hawaii Revised Statutes, 1985, as amended, and any other laws applicable thereto, and all rules and regulations of the Department of Land and Natural Resources shall be strictly observed. Infractions or misconduct will constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and criminal prosecution. Any person whose permit has been revoked shall not be eligible to apply for another permit until the expiration of two years from the date of revocation.
The Permittee(s) waive(s) any and all claims he/she may have against the State of Hawaii and its respective officers, agents and employees, and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the State of Hawaii and its respective officers, agents and employees, from any suits, actions and claims arising out of or in any way connected with the activities allowed under this permit.
Persons in violation of the terms and conditions of this permit and/or related or appropriate laws may be subject to criminal and or administrative penalty under Hawaii Revised Statutes §183-4, §183-5, §183-18, §183-21, §183C-7, §171-6.4, §171-31.6, Hawaii Administrative Rules §13-104-3 or as otherwise provided by law.
Know before you go! All Forest Reserves will be closed during Tropical Storm and Hurricane Warnings. Keep informed on weather conditions and forecasts.
From the Pali Highway (Hwy 61), take the Old Pali Road exit (Nuuanu Pali Drive). Follow the Old Pali Road until it loops back onto the Pali Hwy. Unfortunately, we (the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources) do not control land adjacent to the highway and the road to allow for parking. As such, technically, there is no parking to access the trail. It is recommended that you get dropped off.
Permit does not grant access to Nuuanu Reservoir 4 or any of the improvements surrounding the reservoir.
Hiking boots and clothing will be cleaned prior to entry of forest reserve to prevent the spreading of noxious weeds.
Permit does not authorize the take of plants or animals Federally listed as Threatened or Endangered as described in the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
Open fires and littering are prohibited.
Motor vehicles shall be used only on established roadways.
Unfortunately, we (the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources) do not control land adjacent to the highway and the road to allow for parking. As such, technically, there is no parking to access the trail. It is recommended that you get dropped off.
Copies of permit must be displayed on the dashboard of all vehicles that are parked within the Forest Reserve.
Permit does not authorize the use of helicopters in the Forest Reserves.
Permit is not transferable.
Beyond what is described in the permit application the removal, injury, killing, or any unnecessary disturbance of native flora and fauna is prohibited.
These areas are open to public hunting. Permittees are advised to wear orange colored vests for safety.